A question was posted on ACANETWORK by a blogger that asked should Christians vote for a candidate who supports same-sex marriage and abortion. It was pretty much understood that the candidate in question was Barack Obama. What follows here is my perspective on the issue and my response to some of the various comments that were posted there. If you have not visited the new social network you ought to do so. It was started by Brian Malone and maybe some others. I start with answering the question of who is responsible for the state of affairs in this country as it relates to abortion and same-sex marriages.
When it comes down to who allows these things to happen (legalized abortion and same-sex marriages), ultimately on the human level it’s the people. By putting candidates in office in the legislative bodies of our state and Federal governments and by electing governors who are willing to put forth and pass legislation granting such so-called rights.
Every poll I have seen shows that the majority of the American people oppose gay marriages and for over 197 years the majority were opposed to abortion on demand but the will of the people has been successfully circumvented by judges who legislate from the judicial bench, effectively creating rights where there formally were no rights as defined by the constitution. The role of the judiciary as we all know is to interpret the laws that already exist not to make new law or interpret the constitution or laws in ways that violate the spirit or intent of those that enacted the law (i.e., the founding fathers or the congress). State and federal Supreme Court Judges are appointed for life. They are not elected which means they are not subject to the will or wishes of the people. If a Congressman or Senator or President for that matter proposes or supports legislation that goes against the wishes of the people who elected him or her they can be thrown out of office in the next election cycle unlike Federal Judges and Supreme Court Justices who effectively legislate from the bench and defy the will of the majority.
The reason we cannot pray in the public schools is not because the majority of the American people are opposed to it, it’s because the Supreme Court has said that it violates the Separation of church and state and that the constitution guarantees’ not only the right of freedom of religion but the right of freedom from religion. That is a right, by the way that no one knew existed prior to that decision. What other mysterious rights will some judge or justice discover hidden in the constitution? How about the right of a man to marry another man? What about the right of a man to marry his Doberman Pincher?
Can you give people the right to choose without agreeing with their beliefs? It’s not just about giving people the right to choose its about the moral responsibility that we all have to choose what is right. It’s about being clear about what is right. It’s about using the power at your disposal to influence people to do what is right.
The reason a woman can legally destroy the life of an unborn child in her womb or one which is partially delivered is not because a clear majority of the American people approve of it. It’s because 7 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices discovered that the right to privacy in the U.S. Constitution included the right for a woman to have an abortion and destroy the life of another human being. It’s as if the founding fathers didn’t have the intelligence neither sufficient command of the English language to choose the right words to express what they really meant.
A similar analogy would be like those who suddenly discover that "...singing and making melody in your heart" included the use of mechanical instruments. The man who wrote that inspired directive to the church at Ephesus (the Apostle Paul) obviously did not believe that it did because he never used them himself nor encouraged others to use them in the worship and praise of God. For over 400 years after the church was established members of the church never used them and even to this present day millions of Christian all over the world refuse to use them because the command to sing does not give you the choice or the right to sing and play. But one Pope n the 6th century, A.D. suddenly discovered a right that no one prior to his time had discovered. When the organ was introduced into the worship of the Catholic Church it split that denomination into the two factions that still exist today. One of those factions, the Eastern Orthodox Church still refuses to use the instrument and holds to the ancient tradition of Acapella music.
Who believes that those who wrote the constitution, in their wildest dreams envisioned themselves sanctioning same-sex marriage or in their insistence that the government make no laws to interfere with our freedom of religion really meant that prayer must be kept out of public schools all public places? They had a chaplain and conducted daily prayers at the opening of their deliberations in the most public place of all. To this very day both houses of congress open their proceedings with prayer.
It is true that the President is only one man but no one should be deceived into thinking that one man cannot effect the destiny of millions of people. He is only one man but he is not any ordinary man. People would not give hundreds of millions of dollars to put a man in office if they didn’t think that one man could make a difference in the quality and quantity of their lives. People don’t argue and fight over what they perceive to be insignificant and unimportant issues. The issue of which man will be the one to occupy the white house is a crucial issue Not only in this country but in the entire world. George W. Bush is just one man but who will argue that his impact on this country and on the rest of the world has been insignificant? Abraham Lincoln was just one man, George Washington was just one man, Martin Luther King was just one man but untold millions now experience a much different reality than they would have had these men not appeared upon the stage of human history.
It is a rather curious strategy indeed to vote for a candidate who supports and will not oppose people who are determined to create a world that you find deplorable because you are banking on the dubious notion that he is just one man and therefore cannot tip the scales for good or evil in one direction or the other. If a man does not personally believe in abortion,that is if he believes it is wrong does he not have the responsibility and moral obligation to oppose it? [“…have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but reprove them…” Ephesians 5:11]
We have bought into the false argument that the vote is the only way you can make your voice heard. Actually, given the choices presented to us by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, a vote for either candidate in most cases would be tantamount to silencing the voices of millions of people because neither of the candidates speaks for them or represents their world view. This is especially true for those of us who are committed to the task of seeing to it that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Every election year as many as 70% of eligible voters do not vote.
We will continue to slide further into darkness until God’s people wake up and realize that the voice that most desperately needs to be heard is the voice of God. That voice cannot be heard with clarity and power if filtered through the apparatus of political machinery which by its nature and design distorts the original signal and mixes in other voices to produce an ear-pleasing sound. The greatest and most tragic failure has not been that of government to hear the voice of God but that of the church and so-called Christians to preach and to practice what God has spoken and what we profess to believe.
Someone has observed that a significant number of the abortion clinics would have to close tomorrow if everyone who called themselves Christians would stop using them or working in them! Half of the liquor stores would go out of business if those who call themselves Christians would stop opening them and/or buying their products. We will have our biggest impact on the world and on the government when we get serious about converting the world not into democrats and Republicans or Independents but into true children of God who will first hear the word of God and then believe it and live it.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
The "Legend" of Willie Lynch
Minister Louis Farrakan of the Nation Of Islam in a speech delivered at the Million Man March in 1995 made a reference to a letter supposedly written by a man by the name of Willie Lynch who was alledged to have been a white plantation owner in the West Indies. Legend has it that he was summoned to the state of Virginia in the year 1712 to give a speech to slave owners on how to control their slaves. Lynch gave a list of things which if implemented by the slave owners would render the slaves powerless to break the yoke that held them in servitude to their white masters. These measures, according to the legend had been tested by Lynch himself and were considered fool-proof. Prominent on that list were things like creating a system of house slaves and field slaves and accentuating the differences between them that would incite jealousy and hatred between the two. The overall strategy it seems was to divide and conquer. Louis Farrakahn used a quote from this speech of Willie Lynch to put forth the assertion that the self-loathing and self-defeatish tendencies which is sometimes observed among blacks in this country were due to sucessful implementation of the Willie Lynch strategy. Farrakahn's speech was carried live on C-Span into millions of households around the world. Since that time the Willie Lynch speech has been the subject of countless discussions and emails circulating on the internet. Several Black leaders have made reference to the so-called "Willie Lynch Syndrome" in explaining and sometimes excusing blacks chronic lack of progress towards extricating themselves from the clutches of poverty, crime, low academic achievment and high incidents of illegitimate births and other deadly social ills. Well, come to find out the whole Willie Lynch story is nothing but a hoax. So says, Professor Manu Ampim Of Oakland Ca. (profmanu@acninc.net) and serveral others who have done extensive research into the matter including William Jelani Cobb of Spelman College. Professor Ampim's work can be found at:
www.manuampim.com/lynch_hoax1.html. Read it for your self and draw your own conclusions.
Black Voices on AOL carried a blog by Madison J. Gray that sought to debunk the myth of Willie Lynch. Dozens of people posted comments in reaction to the blog. after reading a dozen of so of the comments I submitted my thoughts which can be read at:
As I said in the post to the blog, it is really depressing and frighteneing to see how hostile some black people are to new information that challenges their assumptions about the cause of black poverty and low achievment. Some people fight to hold on to the Willie Lynch myth like a crack addict to a crack pipe. Their whole world seems to revolve around belief that their plight has to be caused by a diabolical plot that the white man has been flawlessly carrying out for some three hundred years.
My take on the whole issue of a so-called Willie Lynch Syndrome is this. I believe that there is a plot to destroy black people and keep them in sevitude to poverty and perverted lifestyles and self-destructive and self-defeating behavior. I believe the person behind the plot is the same person who is behind the plot to do the same thing to white people and brown people and yellow people and red people. It is not some Willie Lynch syndrome it is a Wiley Lucifer Syndrome.
The devil is a master strategist. The scriptures tell us that he has wiles and that he uses devices. These are words that refer to his strategies and methods. We are warned that we must be vigilant and sober because our adversary the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The devil is a murderer and a liar and he comes to steal, kill and destroy. He works against us through three avenues: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. He is also known to use the weapons of oppression and intimidation. He is a most formidable foe. He understands human weakness. His early work is a demonstration of how effective his strategies are. He sowed seeds of discord and doubt in the minds of Adam and Eve to get them to distrust their creator and to disobey his instructions so that they would forfeit his protection and provisions. He appealed to Eve's desire to be wise (pride of life) and her craving for the forbidden fruit (lust of the flesh) to entice her to sin. He got her to act in a selfish and presumptuous way and in a way that disrespected Adam as the husband and head of the house. Eve usurped authority, took the lead and made a devastating decision that plunged her family and the whole creation into chaos and confusion. It was clear that Satan had accomplished his goal when God called Adam to account and Adam blamed the whole thing on Eve. As a matter of fact he tried to implicate God In his failure when he said, "the woman that you gave me she gave me of the fruit and I did eat.” it’s not my fault. It’s your fault and that woman’s fault. Adam refused to take responsibility for his actions. Eve blamed the serpent refusing to take responsibility for her actions as well. Of course they both shared responsibility and God did not let them off the hook. God revealed to them both the results and the consequences of their sins. Behind every lie is Lucifer. Behind every plot to murder, maim and manipulate for evil purposes is a wily devil whose mission is to steal, kill and destroy. But he cannot do anything without our cooperation and consent. As was in the case of Adam and Eve so it is with us today. There are predictable consequences that flow out of our choices. The bulk of what ails black people today has nothing to do with Willie Lynch but it has everything to do with a wily Lucifer, the devil. Don't waste your time blaming and hating white people or any people for that matter. Examine yourself and look at the choices you are making. If you choose to drop out of school you have got to accept that your decision to do so carries with it consequences of diminished opportunity for gainful employment. It increases your chances of being involved in criminal activities and drug use. If you choose to have sex outside of marriage and lead a promiscuous lifestyle that decision carries with it the possible consequences of STD's, unwanted pregnancy, lost educational opportunities and opens you up to poverty and a whole host of other negative outcomes. The scriptures tell us that we don't have to succumb to Satan's plan to destroy us because we are not ignorant of his devices. If that is true concerning Satan's devices why is it not true concerning this so-called Willie Lynch strategy? We are not ignorant of his plan. We are not helpless, powerless slaves. We don’t have to eat of the fruit just because it is offered to us. We have our freedom to choose what we will do. We can choose to be vigilant and sober and we can choose to love and not hate. We can choose to live clean moral lives. In conclusion we can choose to obey God and live or we can choose to obey Lucifer and die.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Flicks From the Forrest
The IMAGE Ministry has been busy documenting the first quarter activities around the Forrest. Check out these flicks.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Which is Best: Consolidation or Separation?
I think almost everyone would agree that quality education and economic opportunity go hand in hand. You cannot have strong economic growth without a well trained and educated work force. The better educated and trained you are the better your chances are of obtaining a good paying job. Companies that offer good paying jobs are looking for the best qualified and best educated workers to fill those positions. Does the fact that a school system is consolidated has any bearing on quality education? It is believed that Companies make decisions about whether they will locate or whether they will expand to a given area on the basis of whether the system is consolidated or not. The Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber Board has made it a top priority to find out if this is so and if so how much of a factor it actually is.
The Chamber has set up a Task Force to Study the issue and I am priviledged to be a member of that Task Force. I have had several opportunities to talk about the purpose of the study before civic clubs, in radio interviews and on two television stations which serve the Valdosta broadcast area. The study is to be an independent objective and unbiased study conducted by experts who have done a number of these studies in similar areas across the state and across the country. Upon the Task Force’s recommendation the Chamber signed a contract with the Carl Vinson Institute and the Fanning Institute of the University of Georgia to conduct the study. Completion of the study is expected in mid-2008 and the results will be shared with the community at that time.
Consolidation is a hot topic in Valdosta and Lowndes County for several reasons not the least of which is the concern about the loss of a great football legacy at Valdosta High school which would cease to exist under consolidation. I have posted a link to WALB TV's website and a recent interview that I did along with Rusty Griffin the Chairman of our Task Force. Please click on the link below to view the video.
The Chamber has set up a Task Force to Study the issue and I am priviledged to be a member of that Task Force. I have had several opportunities to talk about the purpose of the study before civic clubs, in radio interviews and on two television stations which serve the Valdosta broadcast area. The study is to be an independent objective and unbiased study conducted by experts who have done a number of these studies in similar areas across the state and across the country. Upon the Task Force’s recommendation the Chamber signed a contract with the Carl Vinson Institute and the Fanning Institute of the University of Georgia to conduct the study. Completion of the study is expected in mid-2008 and the results will be shared with the community at that time.
Consolidation is a hot topic in Valdosta and Lowndes County for several reasons not the least of which is the concern about the loss of a great football legacy at Valdosta High school which would cease to exist under consolidation. I have posted a link to WALB TV's website and a recent interview that I did along with Rusty Griffin the Chairman of our Task Force. Please click on the link below to view the video.
Monday, April 7, 2008
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